Monday, 6 January 2014

De-Christmasing The House


Today I spent three hours taking down the Christmas decorations and arranging the box they go in neatly while listening to my current favourite album on repeat.

The mess of Christmas

After showering, I thought it'd be fun to put on my cute kilt (which I did) and try out my new mascara. I'm not a beauty blog so I won't name the brand, but it is awful. I'll definitely be getting a new tube of mascara as soon as I can.

After that, I ventured to the land of the internet to do my set English work for college and submit my A2 coursework. I even had tome to chunk up my essay a bit before uploading it, but I probably rambled too much and will have to get rid of at least half of it.

Current favourite show

After that, I watched Bob's Burgers whilst Tumblr-ing, went food shopping with my dad and sister, and then had a mini-feast of new food in my bedroom after putting Bob's Burgers back on. For anyone that watches it, Tina is pretty much an accurate representation of me.

I also got a really nice review on the FanFiction I'm currently working on and got another conditional offer for university (which is exciting seeing as I thought all five that I applied to would reject me!)

Anyway, must dash.

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